Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Major Threats and Conservation Ideas

Fossil fuels, air pollution, hunting; these are all major threats to this biome.  But the biggest threat to the Northwestern Coniferous Forest would have to be logging.  Forests are being cleared for new ski slopes, roads, housing, etc.  Even though a new ski resort or road can be a good thing, logging increases the speed of soil eroision, and destroys the wildlife's habitats. Every 12.9 seconds, an acre of forest destroyed in Canada.  With a statistic like that, it seems impossible to think that we can help at all.  However, there is something that you can do.  If you want to prevent logging, vote candidates into office that are against it.  We can even decrease our use of fossil fuels.  If you feel cold, put on a sweater or a jacket as oppose to turning up the thermostat.  To prevent air pollution, take public transportation or ride your bike places so one less car isn't polluting the air.  To prevent deforestation for paper products, recycle!  Even though you are just one person you do have the power to make a difference.

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